Saturday, 26 January 2013

Healthy Aging Tips

Healthy Aging Tips

Healthy Aging Tips
Thanksgiving is just around the corner! The official start of the holiday season and one of my favorite times of the year. But it’s also the time of year when life gets more stressful, and we tend to overindulge in high-sugar, high-fat, and artificially flavored and colored foods. We drink more alcohol than we should. And we’re exposed to an extra load of environmental toxins: smoke in our fireplaces; cigar smoke at parties; artificial fragrances at the mall; and exhaust fumes from sitting in holiday traffic. All of these factors can contribute to the aging process, so don’t let the holidays age you! It’s never too late to change lifestyle habits that promote healthy aging.

Why Calcium is Still Important

Why Calcium is Still Important

Why Calcium is Still Important
All I can say is what a relief!
As anyone who reads this blog must know, I have long been a believer in getting plenty of calcium and the reasons why are clear to anyone who follows the news. The numbers are staggering: more than 200 million people worldwide have osteoporosis (10 million of those in the United States).
But osteoporosis itself is not the primary problem; the real harm comes from broken bones. It has been estimated that women over 50 years old have a 50% chance of fracture some time in their lives because of osteoporosis. Even men are not immune; they have a 25% chance of fracture. That accounts for over 5,000 bone breaks every day, or two million breaks a year because of osteoporosis in the United States.
Broken bones lead to broken lives. Elderly who suffer fractures have less mobility, less independence, may become bedridden, experience depression, and may even shorten your life.
So you can imagine my concern when two recent studies suggested that taking calcium supplements might be associated with an increase risk of heart attack. Our need for adequate calcium is obvious, but if taking it could hurt our hearts, is it worth it?
I was happy to learn that a panel of academic and industry experts convened to see if they could clear up this question. The panel included experts in the fields of cardiology, nutrition, bone health, and epidemiology. The panel collected and examined the available body of scientific literature, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on calcium supplementation and the relationship to heart health. Here is what panelist Dr. Robert Heaney, MD of Creighton University School of Medicine had to say after their review:
“There is a strong body of evidence from a variety of rigorous scientific studies reinforcing the benefits of calcium in promoting bone growth and maintenance. After reviewing the entire scope of scientific literature for calcium, we are now more confident than ever in both its health benefits and safety.”
The panel of experts has confirmed what I have been suggesting for a long time: most adults need around 1,000 milligrams of calcium in their diet daily (more if they are pregnant, lactating, or more than 50 years old). In my opinion you can continue to take your calcium supplements with the confidence that you are doing the best thing for your body and bones.

Enjoy the Holidays Without the Stress

Enjoy the Holidays Without the Stress

Enjoy the Holidays Without the Stress
I love the holidays. I enjoy choosing gifts for my family, decorating, hosting and attending holiday parties.
Heck, I even enjoy holiday music.  The holidays, though, can be full of stress. I have to fight crowds to find that perfect gift. Who has time to decorate or cook something for a party? Sometimes that holiday music can drive me crazy.
Can you really enjoy something and be stressed by it? The answer to that is yes.
While the holidays can be stressful, I have a few tips to making it through with more joy than sorrow:
  • Past perfect: Remember those old holidays when everything was joyous and fun? I’ve got news for you: They never existed. Our memories are selective; we tend to forget the bad stuff and romanticize the past. The reason why this is important is that it takes the pressure off us to make everything perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect dinner, or the perfect gift, or the perfectly decorated house, but somehow we find ways to enjoy ourselves. Be happy with what you can accomplish and let the rest go.
  • Stick to a budget: Budget your money and your time; make sure you are not overextended on either. At my home, we set a limit on what we spend for each distant family member. While that might sound restricting, it actually helps us focus on more realistic gifts.
  • Don’t abandon your healthy ways: You have spent most of the year getting healthier, don’t let it all go out the window just because there are temptations around every corner. Eating better and exercising helps you remain calm during stressful times.
  • Be flexible: I just got done saying that you shouldn’t abandon your healthy ways, but if you are visiting someone and all they have is sugar and vice–take it easy on yourself and enjoy what you are offered. If your aunt insists on making cookies for the holiday party, even though they taste like cardboard, it might be better for your health to just let her do it than get in a fight.
  • Be selfish: Find some time to take a break and enjoy something you love. Get a massage, a pedicure, go for a walk, or go out to eat with a good friend. Find something that you love to do that makes you feel calm and do it as often as you can.
It is true that the holidays can be a source of great stress, but it can also be a source of much joy. It may help you to remember that the best gift you can give to everyone around you is a calm, relaxed, and present you.

Healthy Seasonal Tips from Dr. Jamie McManus

Healthy Seasonal Tips from Dr. Jamie McManus

Healthy Seasonal Tips from Dr. Jamie McManus
You might have heard (or noticed by way of your empty school or workplace) that this year’s flu season is off to a bad start. How bad? Reports are that this flu season is the worst we’ve seen in about 10 years. The flu is so bad this year that Bostonhas declared a public health emergency. You can also take a look at the flu tracker from Google, which lets you compare previous years to this one and shows the dramatic increase in people with flu this year (with no end in sight).
Having the flu is no fun, but there are ways to avoid getting it in the first place:
  • Wash Your Hands: Despite all the high-tech wizardry we have, the best protection is still the simplest: wash your hands. The problem isn’t with what you get on your hands, it’s when you move your hands to your face. Estimates are that most people touch their face somewhere between 5 and 20 times every hour. That means whatever is on a doorknob, sink, desk, or the person’s hand you just shook is going to make it to your nose, mouth, or eye. Once there, it is a short trip until you are sick.
  • Cover Your Nose and Mouth: When you cough and sneeze make sure you cover your nose and mouth. Throw away tissues after you use them.
  • Be Healthy: Your body can better handle a bug if you are healthy. This means getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising.
  • Boost Your Immune System: I like to include lots of garlic and onions in my food during flu season. Onions and garlic have long been used for their healing properties and they are a tasty addition to any meal (especially soups). There are many other herbs and nutrients that can also help support your immune system; make sure you get enough of them as well.
With a little planning you could make it through this flu season in your best health.

A Healthy Weight Loss Challenge and Success Story

A Healthy Weight Loss Challenge and Success Story

A Healthy Weight Loss Challenge and Success Story
This is a guest post written by a blogger that was part of the Shaklee Corporation Team #Cinchspiration Campaign. The blogger received free products, online support and incentives for participating.

My name isMandee Suchlandand I am a stay-at-home mom to five young boys. (Yes, FIVE BOYS!) When I was younger I was always the skinny girl. As a matter of fact, when I finished high school I took acting and modeling classes in hopes of starting a career. I did a little modeling off and on for a while, but then I got married. Shortly thereafter, I got pregnant. It was a real blessing for us to welcome our new baby into our home, however my body was never the same. Three years after the first baby came the next baby, and a couple years later came the next, and the next, until all five were here. Within 10 years we had five children. That was a lot on my body, and I knew that I would probably never have that “model” figure back again. However, all I wanted was to be happy in my own skin again.
You see, after giving birth I never really felt good about myself. Others would say things like, “You look good for having had five children.” While I appreciated that, I really didn’t want to look good for having had five children, I wanted people to say, “Wow, I can’t even tell you have had children!” That’s what I wanted, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.
So what did I do? I started diet after diet, giving myself a couple of months, taking off a couple of pounds. Then I gave up. I never found that diet that I just really “clicked” with‑‑the one that worked for me and turned my life around. That is until I was chosen as one of 50 bloggers to take part in the Shaklee Cinch® 6-month challenge.
When I first found out I was chosen to take part in this challenge I did not have very high hopes for myself. You see, I have already been there, done that. I have already tried so many different diets, taking off a few pounds, giving up, and then putting the pounds back on. I wanted to make it different this time. I was excited though to have been chosen, but I really didn’t have the confidence that this was going to work.
Boy was I wrong! When I first started the challenge and I started seeing the pounds drop, I was so excited and so proud of myself! Since giving birth to my five children I was starting to feel good about my body. I knew I still had work to do, but I was starting to see results! I really must thank the other bloggers for their motivation and cheering, as they have all been instrumental in helping each other out. And Sommer, our mentor, is the best! (I have to throw that out there because she is always here for us when we need her and I swear she never sleeps!)
So where am I today? In 4½ months I am 25 pounds lighter*, have lost over 28 inches, and feel amazing! I am so much more confident and have so much energy!
The Shaklee Cinch diet has been more than a diet for me, it has truly changed my life.
   *Results and experiences are unique for each person, so results may vary.  In the preliminary 12-week clinical study, participants on average lost 15.4 lbs.


Nutrisi Dapat Tingkatkan Daya Ingatan Yang Kuat

Nutrisi Dapat Tingkatkan Daya Ingatan Yang Kuat

Diri manusia mempunyai pelbagai sifat tersendiri, namun ada satu sifat universal yang sama dimiliki semua orang – DAYA INGATAN.
Namun, umpama sebuah bandar yang boleh mengalami kemusnahan ekonomi hanya dengan satu letupan di pusat termo-elektriknya… otak kita juga mengalami masalah apabila ‘letupan’ berlaku dalam otak kita. Walau bagaimapun, seperti komputer, walaupun memori sudah terjejas, tapi bahagian otak yang memberi keupayaan kita menyimpan memori baru tidak terjejas. Walaupun ingatan terhadap peristiwa lama sudah tiada, namun kita masih boleh menyimpan ingatan2 baru.
Namun, apabila otak kita tidak menerima nutrisi secukupnya, ia bukan saja kehilangan memori lama, malah memori baru juga gagal disimpan.
Inilah yang terjadi kepada penderit Alzheimer (nyanyuk). Mereka bukan saja tak ingat peristiwa lepas, malah benda yang berlaku 5 minit lalu pun mungkin mereka tak ingat. Kebanyakan orang yang memasuki usia 40-an, dan biasanya ibu-ibu mempunyai daya ingatan yang semakin lemah, walaupun pada hakikatnya mereka sihat walafiat.
Namun, tetap ada orang yang memiliki ingatan yang kuat walaupun sudah berusia. Salah satu puncanya ialah mereka memiliki kesihatan kardiovaskular yang baik. Sistem kardiovaskular yang sihat memastikan bekalan darah yang cukup ke otak. Satu sebab lain ialah pengambilan makanan bernutirisi yang secukupnya. Nutrisi yang optimum memberikan otak khasiat yang diperlukan, dan menjaganya daripada dirosakkan oleh logam toksik dan bahan2 pencemar lain. Daya ingatan amat sensitif terhadap nutrisi. Kurang nutrisi berkadar langsung dengan kurang daya ingatan.

Apakah nutrien yang diperlukan oleh otak untuk fungsi yang optimum?
Kolina mempengaruhi daya ingatan kerana ia meningkatkan acetylcholine, transmitter otak yang menghantar pesanan dari satu saraf ke saraf yang lain.

Antioksidan menjaga otak dari dirosakkan oleh radikal bebas dalam tubuh kita. Ia juga didapati meningkatkan paras acetylcholine.

Terdapat kajian terhadap terhadap mereka yang kurang fokus, bahawa mereka mengalami kurang magnesium.

Kajian menunjukkan DHA mengantifkan bahagian otak dipanggil dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, yang meningkatkan fokus dan memori.

Kajian sejak 2o tahun lalu menunjukkan resveratrol amat penting dalam menjaga otak dan sel badan dari kesan penuaan dan kerosakan selular.

Tips Menguatkan Daya Ingatan Serta Memori Yang Kuat & Bagus
  1. Mengambil makanan untuk otak seperti madu, ikan segar, oat, buah beri, daging, susu & yogurt, daging merpati, habbatussauda’ dan sebagainya.
  2. Menjaga pemakanan – ambil yang seimbang, jauhkan makanan rapu.
  3. Mengamalkan senaman.
  4. Menjauhi maksiat & jauhi melihat benda2 haram
  5. Memperbanyakkan amal ibadat
  6. Mengambil nutrisi tambahan untuk otak seperti:

Penjagaan kesihatan amatlah penting untuk menjaga kesihatan daya ingatan kita.  Menurut American Dietetic Association (ADA), otak adalah organ tubuh yang paling memerlukan nutrisi kerana otak adalah organ tubuh pertama yang menyerap nutrisi dari makanan yang kita makan. Bila otak dah tak cukup zat, bahagian badan lain, faham2 sendiri lah kan.
Jadi, lengkapkan nutrisi harian kita. Jagalah makan, elakkan makanan rapu, lakukan aktiviti fizikal.

Salmiza| 019-5139390 [SMS/WhatsApp dialukan] Shaklee ID:465145

Friday, 25 January 2013



Anda sering mengantuk?? sering letih?? Sekiranya rutih harian anda begitu sibuk sehingga tidak sempat mengambil makanan dengan seimbang, tidur tidak menentu dan sibukmengulangkaji serta beraktiviti untuk memenuhi tuntutan ko-kurikulum dan sebagainya. Vitamin untuk pelajar perlu bagi memastikan mereka tidak lesu belajar seharian.

Atasi masalah tersebut.
Kini anda boleh dapatkan Shaklee untuk membantu anda agar terus kekal cerdas, cergas, tenang dan bertenaga sepanjang hari.

Selain dikenali sebagai Spirulina, Vitalea juga adalah multivitamin. Ini kerana sebiji tablet Vitalea mengandungi 12 vitamin dan 7 galian. Vitalea Shaklee disertakan dengan Iron atau Zat Besi. Iron sangat penting untuk pembentukan sel darah merah. Sel darah merah yang mencukupi berupaya menghantar oksigen ke seluruh badan dan memastikan badan sentiasa bertenaga dan tidak mudah mengantuk.

Vitalea mempunyai Sistem Penyerapan Bioaktif Berpaten bagi memastikan peningkatan penyerapan asid folik yang amat sukar diserap oleh badan. Vitalea juga melalui 349 ujian kualiti setiap kali dihasilkan untuk menjamin ketulenan dan keberkesanannya.

B Complex

Vitamin B Complex Shaklee mengandungi lapan kumpulan yang terdiri daripada B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Biotin dan Asid Folik. Kesemua lapan kumpulan B ini akan memberi kesan yang lebih tepat dan berkesan apabila bertindak bersama. Secara umumnya, B Complex meningkatkan kadar metabolisma badan dengan menukarkan lemak, karbohidrat dan protein menjadi tenaga, menstabilkan hormon dan sebagai ajen penenang.

Vitamin C Sustained Release

Sebiji Vitamin C Shaklee bersamaan dengan 7 setengah biji oren. Ianya memenuhi keperluan minimum seseorang individu iaitu 500mg sehari. Vitamin C ini dihasilkan dengan rumusan mengikut pelepasan masa. Sepertimana yang kita maklum, vitamin C tidak akan diserap oleh badan sebaliknya akan disingkirkan melalui organ perkumuhan. Dengan rumusan pelepasan masa, Vitamin C dilepaskan secara perlahan-lahan selama 5 jam. Ini bagi memastikan badan mendapat manfaat optimum dan menjadikan lebih nilai untuk wang yang dibelanjakan.
Salmiza| 019-5139390 [SMS/WhatsApp dialukan] Shaklee ID:465145